Friday, December 6, 2019

Overview On Professional Ethics Acs Code Of Professional Conduct

Question: Discuss about theProfessional Ethicsfor ACS Code of Professional Conduct. Answer: Ethical Scenario The creation of code of ethics in an organization provides guidelines and acts as references to an individual when solving ethical dilemmas that may arise when carrying out the duties and responsibilities (Australian Computer Society, 2014). As a system analyst, I am supposed to uphold to the accepted ethical standards of an ICT professional before making any decisions. I will first analyze the accounts records and present them to the management. Next, I will have a discussion with management to persuade them to stop the deactivation process by explaining what may have caused them to be dormant in their engagement and participation with the organization. Deactivation of the account of the accounts is a risky step as we may end up losing some of the existing customers in our data records. Some of the customers maybe having genuine reasons as to why they are not active in the business programs. Such reasons may include personal challenges and financial problems that cause them to be do rmant for a long time. If the management accepts to implement my opinion of giving customers time to activate their accounts, I will contact and inform them about the situation and request them to frequently use their accounts to build a better customer relationship with the organization. If the management does not agree with my idea, I will move on with the deactivation process as instructed to avoid conflict of interest with the authorities. The main society value in the ACS document that have guided me in the situation is to be honest and impartial in every presentation, decision and action I take. Honesty facilitates the significance of reliable and credible knowledge and data presented to the management. The other ethical values include; professional development and competence, which enhances the respect and protects the stakeholders interest (Australian Computer Society, 2014). In this situation, competency skills to advice the management stop the deactivation of the accounts. Being ethical helps an ICT professional helps in promoting his/her moral behavior, prevents the negative effects that may applied on him due to misconduct and also assist one to uphold to the values of the organization and the society as a whole. In addition, observation of professional ethics facilitates accountability and integrity in the workplace. In addition, public trust in the ICT profession enhances public trust and encourage them to co ntinuously seek the services of this field (Australian Computer Society, 2014). References Australian Computer Society, (2014). ACS Code of Professional Conduct. Retrieved on Jan 7, 2017 from Australian Computer Society, (2014). ACS Code of Ethics retrieved on Jan 7, 2017 from

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