Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Family and the Home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Family and the Home - Essay Example The results obtained from the 10 usable questionnaires are analyzed in this section. The data, represented in graphs and tables shows the perception of the respondents regarding American family and the home. The first question required the respondents to describe their families. The results indicated that the families are crazy; happy, funny and entertaining; big, loving, crazy and loud; dysfunctional; simple; large and crazy; small and successful; diverse; and divorced. Most of the families are crazy while a few are happy and successful. Most of the families are not very successful as they ought to be as some are dysfunctional.The second question asked: â€Å"What is the ethnic origin of your family?† The results were; Jamaican; Syrian, Native American; Italian, German, Irish, Puerto Rican; African-American; German/Irish; Caucasian; and White. This indicates that many of the families in America are of different origins with African-American, Italian and German/Irish tying at 20 percent.The third and fourth questions asked the role of the fathers and the mothers in the family. Results indicated that in more than 50 percent of the families. Fathers were the breadwinners and disciplinarians while mothers played the role of homemakers. Fathers play leadership roles while mothers are caregivers. Other respondents indicated that their fathers are absent possibly due to divorce thereby leaving mothers with the sole role of providing for the family, comforting them and leading them. Such mothers nurture the children.

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