Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Sinaloa Cartel Is Considered The Largest And...

The Sinaloa Cartel is considered the largest and wealthiest organized crime syndicate in the Western Hemisphere. Run by drug kingpin Joaquin â€Å"El Chapo† Guzman, the Sinaloa Cartel is the biggest player in the Mexican drug trafficking trade. â€Å"Mexican drug trafficking is estimated by analysts to be worth $13 billion US a year,† according to the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC, 2015, par. 2). Heavily involved in the production and distribution of marijuana, cocaine and opium, the Sinaloa Cartel is also operates prostitution rings and deals in human trafficking. According to CBC, â€Å"analysts estimate that since 2006, 70,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence.† The Sinaloa Cartel is the United States Government’s biggest obstacle in the international war on drugs and its diabolical leader is once again free. In order to understand the magnitude of the Sinaloa Cartel, it must be compared with other cartels from the past. In the 1970s and 80s, the marijuana and cocaine trades were dominated by the Columbians, most notably, the Medellin Cartel. Making its prominent rise under the direction of drug queen-pin Griselda Blanco, the Columbians reached their height of power while following the lead of the legendary drug trafficker Pablo Escobar. A Columbian, Blanco made her name on the streets of New York and Miami. She is responsible for an estimated 250 deaths. Many of the murders Blanco committed personally (McGasco, 2015, par. 12). In relation to the Medellin Cartel’sShow MoreRelatedDrugs in Society Study Guide Essay4299 Words   |  18 Pagesthe ages of 26 and 32 Findings by the Community Epidemiology Workgroup reveal that the types of drugs used in different cities vary. Which drugs seem to be more prevalent in western cities? Stimulants Which of the following is usually not considered to be an effect of the illegal drug crisis? Increased productivity According to the text, what factorshave been major contributors to the demise of the two-parent household? Unemployment and frequent drug use In recent years, more than two-thirds

Monday, December 23, 2019

Student Loan Programs - 1116 Words

Student Loan Programs The beginning of a college education is an eventful and exciting chapter for America’s youth. Beginning college is also when responsibilities begin to kick in as well. Students must plan ahead how they intend to finance their education during their time at college and after completing their academic careers. Almost seventy percent of college students nationwide take out loans to help finance their education. Like any other loan, student loans must be paid off in a timely manner to avoid hurting personal credit for future investments. The government has various student loan programs to assist students with not only paying for college, but also with paying off these loans after college. The most common type of†¦show more content†¦It may feel like free money to the pockets when receiving the refund checks, but all of it needs to be paid back at a point. This is a common mistake made by students during their college careers. Managing finances when in school is a crucial part of building a credit history because student loans tend to be the first type of credit for those in college. It is also the first type of real debt incurred by many. Late loan payments seriously harm credit records and ruin a credit history for years. This is why paying off these loans is the safest way to go when building a positive credit history. Late payments that add up often pose as obstacles when taking out auto loans and mortgages as well. This is only fair, because if a student fails to carry out the responsibility of paying back a student loan, then they are not proven responsible when it comes to other types of credit either. (smartmoney.com) Late loan payments indeed take a toll on an individual’s credit history. When a loan payment has not been made for two hundred seventy days after it was due, that student loan is considered to be in default. The defaulted loan is turned over to a collection agency, and the government notifies every credit bureau. This in formation remains on an individual’s credit report for seven years. Not paying the defaulted loan as soon as possible means having federal income tax refunds withheld and added toShow MoreRelatedThe Federal Student Loan Program Options Essay1009 Words   |  5 Pagesdiscusses the Federal Student Loan Program options currently offered, and attempts to recommend the President a feasible policy alternative to redress the program’s currently expensive budgetary expenses to the federal government. Executive Summary The Federal Government offers Student Loans for higher education through two different subsidized programs that are administered and funded in similar yet different ways: the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program guarantees loans made by private lendersRead MoreThe Student Loans Consolidation Programs1400 Words   |  6 Pages apply and get loans. Students do not even find it problematic and the need also urges them to obtain a number of loans. Besides covering the high cost of education, they have to take into account the expenses on books, accommodation and sometimes living expenditure also. After graduation it is the biggest problem that people face and find it confusing and crushing to pay off their loans. If you too are facing the same problem, consider suntech student loans consolidation programs. Suntech can beRead MoreStudent Loan Program Should Not Be Paid781 Words   |  4 PagesPresident Barack Obama s budget last month sparked growing concerns that student loan forgiveness - specifically for graduate school student debt - will cost taxpayers much more than originally estimated. As the Student Loan Ranger discussed previously, the president s budget shows a shortfall of approximately $21 billion for the federal student loan programs, in large part due to a projection of more borrowers taking advantage of loan forgiveness after making 10 to 25 years of income-based payments. AccordingRead MoreStudent Loan Consolidation Program And The Borrower1427 Words   |  6 PagesCollege students who have multiple loans in their names understand the nightmare involved in making the repayments once they finish off their studies. The government also understands the problem and hassle that the students have to face and so programs on student loans consolidation federal has been designed and created. Though student loan consolidation programs were always into existence, they have been simplified and made comfortable in the present day. These programs are designed and createdRead MoreFinding The Lowest Student Loans Consolidation Program1536 Words   |  7 PagesFinding the lowest student loans consolidation program is very important as this will decide your financial future. You should take this process very seriously and find out ways to search for the loan consolidation program that imposes lowest charges and interest rates. This will not only save you a lot of mone y but also help you lead a better life where you can pay attention to other necessities and luxuries of your life too. When a person is deep down in debt he does not think anything else unlessRead MoreFeedback and Evaluation for a Federal Program to Give Student Loans674 Words   |  3 Pagesunsubsidized student loans. However, over the years the cost of a college education has increased and has become a financial burden for some families as their debts began to rise. The U. S. Department of Education amended the Title IV of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 1965. Student loans are a form of financial aid that a student can receive while in college and consist of federal loans and private loans. The Internal and External feedback mechanisms A high number of students are graduatingRead MoreStudent Loan Is The Most Powerful Weapon1302 Words   |  6 Pagesso powerful, conventional weapons break down, fail, and can be taken while knowledge cannot be. Sadly student loan debts are increasing at an alarming rate. The days of working all summer or part-time throughout the school year in order to pay tuition are long gone and private student loans are the only viable answer for many students aspiring for a professional career. I believe that student loan forgiveness is an issue of the utmost importance in regards to making education more accessible and affordableRead MoreStudent Loan Program Has Good Intentions And An Honorable Aim1753 Words   |  8 Pagespoor Americans by providing more support and financial resources through student loans to lower-income students pursuing a higher education. Unfortunately, more than fifty years later, that divide continues to grow. Due to rising tuition costs and rapid increases in student loan burdens, the college aspirations of teenagers coming from working and middle-class families are progressively being discouraged. Student loan program has good intentions and an honorable aim: to provide an equal opportunityRead MoreOverview (Salinas):. Kean University Is A Public University1694 Words   |  7 PagesKean University offers many different services to their students enrolled, including one of the most popular department on campus, The Office of Financial Aid. The Office of Financial Aid is devoted to offering different services and information to students attending Kean. Located on first floor of the Administration Building, The Office of Financial Aid is open Monday through Saturday and offers phone hours Monday through Friday. Students can schedule an appointment, where they will have a chanceRead More The Importance of Budgeting to Avoid Defaulting on Student Loans2168 Words   |  9 PagesDefaulting o n Student Loans Students defaulting on their loans will always be a problem for the government as long as there are students taking out loans. There will always be a few that don’t pay off their loans. There are many reasons why students default on their student loans. According Ms. Farrell, the author of â€Å"Reducing Student Loan Defaults: A Plan for Action,† in the Office of Planning, Budget, and Evaluation Survey, said â€Å"The main reason that students default on their loans is that

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Emma Clueless Free Essays

Intro: C appropriates E’s 19th Century context into a contemp. Beverley Hill’s society embedded in material availability and conspicuous consumption. o Austen’s PURPOSE not changed ( C ( satire of context and human nature ( C has other purp. We will write a custom essay sample on Emma Clueless or any similar topic only for you Order Now ( Question value and validity of texts ( POMO TRANSFORMATION THESIS: The transformation of a text helps develop and mold new meaning to its counterpart, and hence deepen the understanding of each text. However , it is important to note that for this meaning is to be conveyed, many of the themes within the original text must remain the same, it is the context and the values inherent within these themes that change. o Both texts present, deluded central character living in own upper-class microcosm. †¢ Emma living in C19th England ( ‘handsome, clever and rich’ woman of ‘one and twenty’ with ‘nothing much to distress or vex her’. ? Lives in a world based around inheritance, breeding, manners and respectability as means for social valuing. Cher is a 15 year old living in the ‘Noxema commercial’ ‘land of imagists’ that is Beverley Hills in the 1990’s. ? Social values based upon material availability, image and conspicuous consumption. o Both protagonists attempt to transform a protege of lower class and elevate them to their higher status. o Emma’s naive intention of transforming Harriet by refining manners and intelligence (not to mention elevating ego) = IRONIC. ( contradicts stagnant class mobility of C19th England. LINK ( sense of hierarchy retained in C. ? Cher introduces Tai to school cliques ‘Persian Mafia’ ( reflects sense of materialism and conspicuous consumption of society ( ‘you have to own a BMW to sit with them’. ( ALSO REFLECTED IN FIRST SCENE ( MONTAGE. o ‘Loadies that no respectable girl would date’ o LOADIES comment ironic because Cher tells Tai in the scene before that choosing a BF is a decision that ‘every girl has to make for herself’. o TAI ( her transformation is aesthetic (not like in E) through ‘Cher’s main thrill in life – a make-over†. ( reflects extent of importance placed on image and superficiality in modern context. When first presented with Tai she stands out dramatically wearing a flannel shirt, and with died red hair ( as opposed to everyone in gym scene wearing black and white ( she is an outsider, of another class. ? INTERESTING ( although she is supposedly moved up in class, she is always subtly dressed differently to Cher and Dionne ( collars, etc, o Ease with which Tai changes social status gives sense of social fluidity, as does fact that Tai talks back to Cher in confrontation ( â€Å"you’re a virgin who can’t drive†. LINK ((( more subtle in Emma where Harriet doesn’t confront Emma, but distances herself by communication through letters. (( Travis’ elevation of class also gives impression of social fluidity ( he gets off drugs, becomes serious about skateboarding and joins a rehabilitation program. THIS IS UNDERCUT BY COSTUMING IN WEDDING SCENE. AND ALSO THROUGH FINAL COUPLINGS IN FILM ( HECKERLING UPHOLDS AUSTEN’S SENSE OF HIERARCHY. ( TELEOLOGY REFUTED. o Although idea of ‘coupling’ in C does not lead to marriage (as in Emma), important to note fact that marriage, or at least a ‘wedding’ is the ideal and final goal for women. RE: final scene ‘I want sailor hats’ o In C weddings are deemed more important than marriage itself ( ‘you divorce wives, not children’; ‘husband number five’. o Although marriage is not equally valued in both contexts, the idea of DOMESTICITY is. In the C19th context of Emma, there was an up rise of the bourgeois and of their domesticity-based values. o This is also reflected in C WHEN Cher’s father values her for the menial tasks she performs in the home ‘ who takes care of the house? Who makes sure daddy’s had his orange juice? ’ LEADS BACK TO THE IDEAS OF FEMALE OPPRESSION AND THE REBUFFING OF THE NOTION OF TELEOLOGY. BOTH TEXTS ARE BILDUNGSROMANS o Both deal with the personal and character transformations of heroines. o Satirical social comment on composed contexts. o Transformation catalysed by male protagonist ( heroine has to submit to being wrong. CONTEXT CHANGED o Inherent themes same ( breakdown of high culture into POMO setting/society o COHERENT UNDERSTANDING OF E FOR SOCIETY EMBEDDED IN MATERIAL AVAILABILITY AND CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION. o CHANGE OF MOP ( reflective of context ( change of narrative voice to voice over o Omniscient 3rd person is visual language in CLUELESS o EG. Emma : ‘we’re just friends’ (in respect to Mr Elton o Omniscient 3rd person :’had it been 10x more, 10x less, her companions admiration for her would’ve remained the same’. o EG. Cher : ‘I have a way normal life for a teenager’ o Shot of her picking out her clothes from a motorised wardrobe. ? IRONY AND CONTRADICTION BETWEEN AURAL AND VISUAL. †¢ Both texts still satires of respective worlds. Conclusion. RE: POMO INTRO AND RELATE BACK TO QUESTION. ALL ABOUT VALUES AND ATTITUDES. HECKERLING IMAGINATIVE, ETC IN TRANSFORMATION OF TEXT BUT REMAINS TRUE TO AUSTEN’S PURPOSE ( TO QUESTION AND SATIRISE THE FOIBLES OF HUMAN NATURE. WHILST ADDING TO HER OWN; THROUGH THE TRANSFORMATION OF EMMA, HECKERLING HAS PROVEN THAT EVEN A ‘TEENPIC’ CAN BE VALUED, AND HENCE REINSTATES HER POST-MODERN BELIEFS WITHIN THE TEXT. EMMA AND CLUELESS CONTRIBUTE OT DEVELOPING AND RESHAPING THE VALUE OF EACH TEXT. EMMA ALLOWS CLUELESS TO BE VALUED, WHILST CLUELESS ALLOWS EMMA TO BE UNDERSTOOD AND ACCESSIBLE TO A COHORT GROUNDED IN A CONTEMPORARY CULTURE. How to cite Emma Clueless, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Overview On Professional Ethics Acs Code Of Professional Conduct

Question: Discuss about theProfessional Ethicsfor ACS Code of Professional Conduct. Answer: Ethical Scenario The creation of code of ethics in an organization provides guidelines and acts as references to an individual when solving ethical dilemmas that may arise when carrying out the duties and responsibilities (Australian Computer Society, 2014). As a system analyst, I am supposed to uphold to the accepted ethical standards of an ICT professional before making any decisions. I will first analyze the accounts records and present them to the management. Next, I will have a discussion with management to persuade them to stop the deactivation process by explaining what may have caused them to be dormant in their engagement and participation with the organization. Deactivation of the account of the accounts is a risky step as we may end up losing some of the existing customers in our data records. Some of the customers maybe having genuine reasons as to why they are not active in the business programs. Such reasons may include personal challenges and financial problems that cause them to be do rmant for a long time. If the management accepts to implement my opinion of giving customers time to activate their accounts, I will contact and inform them about the situation and request them to frequently use their accounts to build a better customer relationship with the organization. If the management does not agree with my idea, I will move on with the deactivation process as instructed to avoid conflict of interest with the authorities. The main society value in the ACS document that have guided me in the situation is to be honest and impartial in every presentation, decision and action I take. Honesty facilitates the significance of reliable and credible knowledge and data presented to the management. The other ethical values include; professional development and competence, which enhances the respect and protects the stakeholders interest (Australian Computer Society, 2014). In this situation, competency skills to advice the management stop the deactivation of the accounts. Being ethical helps an ICT professional helps in promoting his/her moral behavior, prevents the negative effects that may applied on him due to misconduct and also assist one to uphold to the values of the organization and the society as a whole. In addition, observation of professional ethics facilitates accountability and integrity in the workplace. In addition, public trust in the ICT profession enhances public trust and encourage them to co ntinuously seek the services of this field (Australian Computer Society, 2014). References Australian Computer Society, (2014). ACS Code of Professional Conduct. Retrieved on Jan 7, 2017 from https://www.acs.org.au/.../acs/acs.../ACS%20Code-of-Professional-Conduct_v2.1.pdf Australian Computer Society, (2014). ACS Code of Ethics retrieved on Jan 7, 2017 from https://www.acs.org.au/content/dam/acs/acs-documents/Code-of-Ethics.pdf